Apple ipad

Apple ipad
1, Powering and Locking
·         Press the power button to power on and off.  Slide to power off.
·         Power on, get to the Lock Screen, Slide left to right to unlock. Brings to the HOME screen.
·         to lock , tap the power button. To unlock, tap and release the power button and then sldie to right.
·         HOME screen is customizable. You acn organize applications and utilies.
·         STATUS BAR on top,
·         Scrool to lft on Home screen, takes you to the SEARCH screen. Screah for applications and utilities on your device and also use for web searches.
·         Scrool through the screens and your location will be tracked by the white dots.
·         The Icons on the bottom will appear on all screens.
·         3 finger TAP on home screen, zoomsa in. Tap 3 fingers again to return to the defalt view size.

2. Volumn control
·         button on right, tap to turn volumn up or down.
·         Mute button above this control
·         settings > general settings

3. HOME button
·         circle button on botton of device.
·         tap twice to open mulitasking bar.
·         Scrool to left to control screen orientation. (usualy keep lock if using lying down because you may not want screen to keep changing orientaion.
·         tap HOME button one to to remove multitasking bar.
·         rotate screen to see how orientaion works.
·         open notepad, double tap and see multitasking.
·         tap once from applications or utilities to get back to home
·         from the home screen, tap home button once to get the scearch screen.

·         open note pad, touch in it and see the keyboard open
·         on the keyboard, you can change to caps or numbers. Also tap the small buttons above them to see additional keys
·         auto correct, also tap space bar twic at end os sentence to insert a period.
·         A long press on the screen, will open the magnifying screen.
·         copy, cut and paste. elect the text, can move cursor to select more text.
·         certain words will create a hyper link, ex: next Wednesday. tap to create an event in the calendar.

·         if not runnong "broadband " services, need to connect to wifi
·         tap on settings> wifi>  tap on/off toggle switch
·         available ntworks will apear
·         lock indicates a secured connection
·         tap on desired network and enter password if secured or connect if non secured
·         tap home button
·         now go to internet
·         go to settings, you can forget connection if you want, next time the device will not automatically connect.
·         "pinch" to make screen larger or smaller.  you can alos double tap on the screen.
·         can open multiple browser windows
·         can also open previous bookmark pages. (book icon) tapping again will hide list
·         icon next to book, gives you options to bookmark the web page, can add to mai n pages for quick refenence.
·         tap windows icon to see the web pages that are open. to close a window, tap the X in the ledft coner. to open a window, tap on it.
·         can find history on top of bookmars dropdown
·         to save information displayed on a web page use SCREEN SHOT.  TAP the POWER  LOCK button and the HOME button at the same time. The screen shot can be found in your galery.

Address Book (will talk mare about later).
Calebdar (will talk more about it later).

Customize screen Brightness and Wallpaper
·         settings> brightness and walpaper
·         on top f screen, customize brightness
·         usually leave on auto brightness
·         tap on walpaper icons and can select from preloaded walpapers or icture you have saved.
·         tap on thumbnail to preview wallpaper
·         can set as lock screen, home screen or both
·         thumbnals will be update on setting page

·         settings >  notifications
·         can turn them on or off
·         notifications for new emails, calendar alerts,  application updates...

·         settings > general
·         adjust notification sound level
·         enable and disable different sounds

Home screen customization
·         to move  an icon, press and hold the screen until all the icons begin to shake
·         now drag application for placement.
·         holdng an app to the edge of the screen, will move it to the next screen
·         after changes, do a single tap on the home screen
·         to move inot the bottom panel (the frozn panel) drag and drop it into the panel
·         after changes, do a single tap on the home screen
·         can move icon out of frozen panel also
·         create folders on the ipad to organize icons into groups
·         drag one icon onto another and it will creatge a folder. you can name the folder appropriately
·         ex: put all media apps in one folder.
·         after changes, do a single tap on the home screen
·         can remove icon from a folder. if you remove all aps from a folder, the folder will delete itself

iphone and ipad delete photos
instead of deleting each photo individually,you can go into settings and delete them all. first make sure you have a copy on some storage device of all the pictures you are going to delete
·         go to settings
·         go to general
·         go to usage. there you will see your storage and all the apps
·         go to photo and camera
·         to delete the camera roll, slide your finger right to left on the button to the right. the delete button pops up
·         tap the delete button and they will be deleted, it may take a little time
·         you can delete your photos or any other app you have from this setting menu.

second method
·         go to settings app
·         go to photos and camera, the first option that comes up is iphone photo library
·         if it is green then it is turned on, that means that when you take a picture , it is going to upload to a main  library to the cloud and store them there  and then push them back down to all your other deveices  that are logged in with the same apple id. this keeps all your devices in sync whether you delete photos, edit them, organize them etc...
·         get out of settings and go into photos app
·         be in the all photos mode or photo mode not just an album, where it will just delete it from that album,
·         select the picture to be deleted, then select the trash can
·         to delete more than one picture, use the select feature. tap on each of the pictures you want to delete. once you have selected all the pictures to be deelte, select the trash can in the upper left.
·         they go into a folder named "recently deleted". you have around 40 days to recover them from here. when you delete them from ths folder, this action cannot be undone.

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