Iphone 3g & 5s tutorial

Iphone 3g & 5s tutorial

Norbert DeAmato: 1/14/2014  information from various sources

Pass word protect the sign on screen
Hit the home key to go back to main menu

Various desktops/pages to put your apps on (up to 3 pages). Each dot represents a page.
Shut the phone off or go into sleep mode by holding the sleep button on top.
To reset: hold down the home button and the sleep button
By holding the sleep button on your iPhone or iPod Touch for approximately 5 seconds, you will be prompted with the shut-off menu, simply drag the slider to the right if you wish to turn off your iPhone or iPod Touch.

·        Calendar with reminders
·        Contact list,
o       can add from google maps automatically
o       Open a url
o       Call
o       Text
o       Add to favorites
·        Google maps: look up something and then can add to your contact list, bookmark it, get directions
·        App store, some free. Shop by categories
·        Pandora for music, artist or type of music
·        Ipod function (on bottom of screen), pod cast
·        Mail function which you set to use with your email account
·        Safari browser on bottom, pinching motion to expand, shrink, and move page
·        Settings: can set up photo settings
·        You tube
·        Camera, hold down the camera icon and then release it when the shot is set up

To take a screenshot (a picture of what is on the iPhone or iPod Touch screen), simply hold the home button and click the sleep button. You should see a flash and hear a camera click on your iPhone or iPod Touch. The shots can be found in your camera! This tip is great for showing other people your iPhone functions and apps online.

Silence a call
say you are sitting in a meeting and your iPhone starts ringing because you forgot to switch to silent mode. No need to fret, there is a trick to silence your call and even send the caller directly to voicemail! When the iPhone is ringing simply hit the sleep button once to silence the ringer! Hit the sleep button one more time to send the caller to voicemail.

Moving and deleting apps
If you’ve had your iPhone or iPod Touch for a while, you’ll notice that it tends to get cluttered up pretty quickly. You can move all the app icons on your iPhone or iPod Touch by simply holding down on an app until the screen begins to shake. Once all the apps start shaking, you can drag apps around or push on the little “X” that appears on them to delete the app from your iPhone or iPod touch. This tip can help make your iPhone or iPod Touch a little cleaner and rid it of unused apps. When you’re done, simply hit the home button once and you will be back to business.

The iPhone and iPod Touch both come with an excellent version of the Safari browser. To go to a specific website, simply touch the address bar and type in the name of the website, you don’t have to type “www.” or “.com”.  You can save images you find online by holding down on the image. It will prompt you to save and should you choose to save it, the image will be in your camera folder. If you are done surfing a site and wish to return to the top of the page, simply double tap the top bar to return to the top of the page, the trick to this is to double tap on the clock.

On the iPhone or iPod Touch keyboard, you can quickly end sentences with a period by double tapping the space bar. This will automatically put a period as well as give you one space to begin your next sentence. To put down something else such as a question mark, there is the slide trick. This trick is done by simply holding down the numbers and punctuation marks menu then sliding ur finger to the character that you want, once you release your finger, the character will displayed and your keyboard will be back to the normal letters. Finally, you can access special characters on your iPhone or iPod Touch keyboard by holding down specific letters, this will give you additional variations of that letter. This is a great tip for typing in a foreign language.

Turn calculator to landscape mode and get scientific calculator.

Email: swipe your finger from left to right and you will get option to delete it.

Add events to a calendar:
Tap calendar on home screen
The all calendar appears
Tap calendars at the top left
Tap a calendar, a birthday and anniversary screen opens
Tap list, day. Month at the bottom
Each calendar view has the Plus + button at the top
Tap the plus button, the add event screen appears
Tap title/location and enter each
Tap save, tap start ends to set up time, all day or specific time
Tap save, can repeat if needed, can set alert
Tap calendar on add event screen
Change the calendar tap, return to calendar screen and add notes.
Pandora (internet Radio) is a free app in the app store
Hit the app store icon
Navigate on the bottom to search
Type in Pandora, then search
Pandora radio should ne on list with install option
Select it, then hit update

Automatically focuses in the center of frame. To focus on something else, just touch it.
Video, can shot in portrait or landscape

Voice control
  • for phone, press and hold the home button
    • Say “call xxxx”  (anyone in your address book)
    • Can also say “call 666-555-5555”
  • Can also say ‘play songs by xxx’, ‘play plalist xxx’
    • Can pause, play next track, shuffle

Copy and paste from web, shake to undo

Weather app
Tap the I icon in the lower right
  • Can change from C to F
  • To add a city, tap the plus + button on the top left
    • Type a city state or zip code
    • Or can enter partial and search, tap and choose a city
  • To delete a city, tap the red minus button -, get a red delete button, tap delete
  • To change the order,
    • place your finger tip on the gray area on the right side of a city
    • gently press and the line will get highlighted
    • without lifting your finger, drag it to a new position (order)
    • tap done

iphone and ipad delete photos
instead of deleting each photo individually,you can go into settings and delete them all. first make sure you have a copy on some storage device of all the pictures you are going to delete
·         go to settings
·         go to general
·         go to usage. there you will see your storage and all the apps
·         go to photo and camera
·         to delete the camera roll, slide your finger right to left on the button to the right. the delete button pops up
·         tap the delete button and they will be deleted, it may take a little time
·         you can delete your photos or any other app you have from this setting menu.

second method
·         go to settings app
·         go to photos and camera, the first option that comes up is iphone photo library
·         if it is green then it is turned on, that means that when you take a picture , it is going to upload to a main  library to the cloud and store them there  and then push them back down to all your other deveices  that are logged in with the same apple id. this keeps all your devices in sync whether you delete photos, edit them, organize them etc...
·         get out of settings and go into photos app
·         be in the all photos mode or photo mode not just an album, where it will just delete it from that album,
·         select the picture to be deleted, then select the trash can
·         to delete more than one picture, use the select feature. tap on each of the pictures you want to delete. once you have selected all the pictures to be deelte, select the trash can in the upper left.
·         they go into a folder named "recently deleted". you have around 40 days to recover them from here. when you delete them from ths folder, this action cannot be undone.

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