Amazon offers free books every day. Really. They're e-books and the lineup changes constantly. Visit the "Kindle Store: Free" section of that online juggernaut and download away. Not to be outdone, Barnes and Noble also puts free titles up for grabs.
But what if you can't find the ones you want? Suppose, for example, that you're besotted with Benedict Cumberbatch in the BBC series "Sherlock" and decide you want to read the Holmes works. Not every library will have all 56 short stories and four Holmes novels, but you can download 48 of the works for free from a site called
Millions of e-books in every imaginable genre are available without charge at a number of other sites online. A tremendous resource is Gizmo's Freeware site, Free eBooks and Audio Books to Read Online or Download. It lists 913 sites for free e-books, sorting by genres like autobiography, horror, romance, travel, young adult/teen and math. In addition, it features 224 places to find free audiobooks.
Too overwhelming? Try a few individual sites like:
    Open Library -- more than 1.6 million books, dating back as far as 1008.
    Project Gutenberg -- more than 45,000 titles.
    Google Play -- more than 4 million titles, at least half of which are free. -- more than 29,000 e-books, with a "genre filter" to help refine your results.
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