skype tutorial

skype tutorial
1. download skype for windows
If you don’t have an account, click Create an account. If you already have an account, you’re ready to sign in and get started with Skype.
2. To open Skype, double-click the Skype icon on your desktop (or choose it from the Windows Start menu), then sign in with your Skype Name, Microsoft account email or your Facebook sign-in details.
Skype will open
 A. Name -
    If you're signed in with a Skype Name, the name you entered into your profile will be shown here.
    If you're signed in with your Microsoft account, your Microsoft Account email address will be shown, as seen below.
    If you first signed into Skype with your Facebook account, the name in this area will look like: fb:erika.berg.
B. Menu bar - Includes all the options that will help you get the most out of Skype.
C. Status bar - You can change your Skype status and display name if you wish.
    Click the status icon (at the bottom-right of your profile picture) to change your status.
    Click your display name to access your profile, where you can change your profile picture, mood message, and more.
D. Skype toolbar - Enables you to reach the most used Skype features easily. From here you can quickly open Skype Home The Skype Home icon. or call mobiles and landlines The Call phones icon..
Contacts and Recent selected in the Skype main window

E. Contact list - Lists your contacts and lets you see their status.
F. Recent list - Lists the recent conversations you’ve had in Skype.
Contact summary, conversation window and conversation box selected in the Skype main windowetails and the conversation box bellow it.
G. Contact summary - Displayed when you select a contact. Tells you your friend's status and mood message; if you want more details about your friend, click their name and a pop-up with their full profile information will display (below). The buttons at the right-hand side of the contact information allow you to call or video call your friend on Skype, or add more people to create a group conversation.

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